
Food and drink

Mon Apr 12 15:26:21 PDT 2004

--- Casey Rousseau <casey at the-bat.net> wrote:
> KG wrote:
> > In a message dated 4/12/2004 12:57:33 PM Eastern Daylight 
> > Time, mam at theworld.com writes:
> > 
> > > What evidence do we have that a Fenarian-descended citizen of the 
> > > Empire, who has a pretty fair income and (at least in the earlier 
> > > books) identifies himself with Dragaera rather than with his 
> > > racial group, is going to eat differently than a Dragaeran of 
> > > similar standing?
> > 
> > Vlad says at one point that Dragaerans will happily admit that they
> > can't cook.  (And Valabar's high esteem supports this.)  Any 
> > evidence for or against the Valabar family being Fenarian?
> > 
> Book search http://dragaera.info/booksearch/ on Valabar led me to find
> this (actually searched on Eastern secret to get more context):
> 27.0% in chapter issola05.html
> . the same effect with dry ice," I told Teldra. "What's dry ice, Vlad?"
> "It is an Eastern secret for keeping things cold. I learned of it from
> Valabar's." "Witchcraft?" "I guess so." She nodded. ".
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --------
> C Copyright 2003 Steven Brust
> Inconclusive, but amusing nonetheless.

Somewhere that's not in booksearch, probably _Taltos_, Vlad
explains what Valabar's is--the chef is always called "Mr.
Valabar", and no matter how much persecution of Easterners
there is, the Empire never lets Valabar's be messed with.  I
think this is in the description of Vlad's double date with

Jerry Friedman

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