
random comments on The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain: Spoilers

Wed Apr 14 08:27:16 PDT 2004

--- Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> spoilers for _TEoDM_
> again, spoilers for the Pirodessey or the end of the Paarfiad or ...
> 1. Random comments - Clari makes an offering of "wheat and tears" - I
> wonder if that should be "tares", as in
> My prime of youth is but a frost of cares,
> My feast of joy is but a dish of pain,
> My crop of corn is but a field of tares,
> And all my good is but vain hope of gain;
> The day is past, and yet I saw no sun,
> And now I live, and now my life is done.

Interesting, but I feel sure it was "tears".

> 2. The editing in this volume seems to me to have been the best by far.
> I only caught a "the the".  Well, that and the lack of several
> sentences in Paarfi's Afterward conversation on pg 345.

It would have been nice if the copyeditor had caught, or not
introduced, constructions such as "to he who..."

> 3. Well, perhaps Sekely is Szekely, which might be more Hungarian?

"Sekely" is "shallow" or "shoal", according to
<http://consulting.medios.fi/dictionary/>.  The rest is left as
an exercise for the reader.  I was surprised by Ford's choice of
Ivan rather than Janos.  (Please insert accents as required.)

> 5. Can't decide how I feel about Aerich's death - coming alone was in
> character, but getting bounced off a wall was a bit, well, unheroic.

I'd say facing great odds alone is heroic.

> 8. Morrolan can't have much to strive for after killing a god.  And why
> doesn't he go into battle with the J with one of those vorpal-blade
> enchantment enhancements?

He can still strive for killing a Jenoine.

> 10. Piro never did much for me - when the soldiers tried to take him,
> in the fight in which Grassfog died, I was rooting for them.  During
> the description of the meal early in the book, it struck me that Piro
> refuses to follow society's dictates in questions of marriage while
> happily exploiting the Teckla, who end up eating the nobles' scraps.
> Unpiroic.

Can't have everything.

> 11. Grassfog's amulet is a bit of plot device.  Actually the plot seemed
> too present at points.  On the other hand, the book had a strong impetus
> -
> I read it in (almost one) sitting.  A pleasurable first read, certainly.

Precisely my experience.

> 12. Nice to see Khaavren resigning his position - this is a precho I
> think
> of a comment in the Vladiad about K turning in his cloak yet again.


> 13. Morrolan seems to be dead in Paarfi's time - anyway that's the vibe
> I
> got.  Actually I'd guess only K, Piro, and Ibronka live that long.

I got that feeling at one point near the end, but later it seemed
explicit that Morrolan was still alive.

> 14. I liked the touch of melancholy at the end of the book - Piro
> leaving
> K's house, K unhappy.

Me too.

> 17. When's the next 19th of the Vladiad arriving?

'06?  '07?  It's a *very* good question, though.

Jerry Friedman

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