
A continuity error. Barely worth spoiler warning

Thu Apr 15 11:47:30 PDT 2004

From: "Casey Rousseau" <casey at the-bat.net>
>Also, Khaavren and Zerika received somewhat different invitations.  K's
>is described as "an invitation written on silk in gold lettering"
>whereas Z's is "...on thin black paper with gold letterin1g..." 

I seem to recall that Z *thought* her invite was on black paper at 
first, but then on closer inspection discovered that it was silk.

   David Goldfarb          |"Neckties are Satanic symbols.  They represent 
goldfarb at ocf.berkeley.edu  |Judas's noose.  Those who wear neckties signify 
goldfarb at csua.berkeley.edu |their identification with the man who betrayed 
                           |Our Lord."    -- IHCOYC XPICTOC on alt.gothic