
On Great Weapons and Marriages

Tue Apr 27 16:53:00 PDT 2004

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 03:33:51PM -0500, Johne Cook wrote:

> Steve Simmons wrote

> > Did you ever notice that no wielder of a Great Weapon is ever married?
> > IMHO this doesn't bode well for the long-term future of a couple of
> > romances I could mention.

> How would this affect Zerika and her relationship (?) with the Orb?  I'm 
> guessing that's a different thing because the Great Weapons appear to have 
> a spiritual symbiotic relationship with their host while the Orb appears to 
> be, uh, "other".

We've only seen two emperors, and Tortaalik was clearly married.  Zerika
is not, but that's likely due to hre relative youth and the social
inappropriateness of her current lover.

> btw, is this, perhaps, why Vlad and Cawti weren't able to make it?  
> Spellbreaker was a latent great weapon and was even then passively arguing 
> against their successful relationship?

IMHO there were plenty of problems between Vlad and Cawti (cf my
post of a few years back) that led to that.  And if my implied hypothesis
is correct, it wouldn't have been a problem until Godslayer was
"Offense thieves -- they take it when it isn't offered."
	-- another definition by Tom Digby