
more denominations!

Wed Apr 28 20:32:45 PDT 2004

I guess you could pretty much buy out a country, keep increasing exports
and decreasing imports, and so you obtain more of their currency.

-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Hart [mailto:philiph at slac.stanford.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 7:50 PM
To: dragaera at dragaera.info
Subject: RE: more denominations!

[I believe no _TEoDM_ spoilers]

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, Sunny Han wrote:

> The dragearean system can't be fiat tho, isn't it actually backed by
> gold?

Perhaps someone with sufficient economics savvy to understand "fiat"
(which I best know as the beginning to a light-making spell) above
could comment on the fact that Zerika and Kana share a common currency.
At the end of _TLoCB_ she controls perhaps twice as much territory as K,
and I assume a proportionate ratio of resources.

Can she drive his economy off the rails by messing with the money
Of course Orb-based growth in Z's territory would surely lead to
for K - couldn't she simply drive the price of say horses or grain up
until K would have trouble operating?

[minor TEoDM spoiler follows]

[TEoDM spoiler]

In fact, isn't Kana's economy subject to sorcerous predation?
Piro & Co could move into K's territory and lead a happy life of
banditry via teleportation without concerns about being traced...