
Great Weapons

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Tue May 4 19:00:10 PDT 2004

Wondering about the status of great weapons:

We have seen a GW being given from someone who already had one - presumably
it was in storage somewhere in Dzur Mountain, but that's an assumption.
The first time it was drawn, it started to bond with its new owner.

We have seen someone take inactive GWs, that needed to be moved to life.

We have seen someone trade GWs - in a situation where both parties wanted
that trade.

We have seen someone walk the Paths of Dead with his old weapon - Did it die
with him?   How did it get there?

Gods seem reluctant to try to take a GW - even GWs they are uncomfortable

What are the circumstances where someone can take a GW and have it serve