Not sure if this is a repeat or anything ,cause it got returned to me by the mailer daemon but here goes round 2. Hey there guys... We all know of the tendency that some of us have to name certain things after characters in the Brust novels....a cat named Kragar here, a dog named Loiosh there...even a computer or a car might get some name associated with the books... But has anyone ever actually said, like I just did, "lol she's such an Issola" or something similar, and that to someone who's never read the books? I, for one, welcome our new Brust-geek overlords. Especially because that means I'm one of those overlords. I have, to date, labelled myself as a "young Dragon" with certain Hawk-like tendencies. My girlfriend of 7 years is the Issola in question--there's simply no one that she can't get along with... My best friend is a work-freak. I'm not sure what that makes her. But she's always doing something--and not just menial, boring stuff, but stuff like designing and installing fountains in her house, building her own (successful) web-based company when she was 15-16 just cause she felt like it, and being an all-in-all renaissance woman... Would that be a Vallista? I know a bunch of my University professors would either be Athyra or Hawks... My mother would be a Teckla. Maybe a Tsalmoth. My dad, an Lyorn, or a Tsalmoth. Maybe Jhegaala, depending upon just what in the fuck they are. Oh, and on page 77 of _SL_ I noticed that Daro squeezed Khaavren's arm in concerned support for the turmoil he was then experiencing. But a few pages before, I seem to recall her going off with Morrolan to the party at Castle Black. In fact, I more than seem to remember it, I positively *know* it happened....I don't know if it's been caught yet, but that one sentence should be excised, unless the honourable Mr. Brust cares to re-write the entire scene. Talk to you later, Jon <html><DIV> </DIV></html> _________________________________________________________________