
Jordan-bashing (was Brust Interveiw)

Tue May 11 14:54:42 PDT 2004

Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Wow! I'm impressed- I never made it past the eighth book! warbi

I haven't read a word of the Wheel of Time - but this discussion is making
me curious to watch the train wreck.


When book three of the series came out, all of my friends and family urged me to read it.  I steadfastly refused, saying I would read it when the last book was out.

That was....ooohh....ten or eleven years ago.  Now, even my mother, a hard-core must-get-the-hardback, Jordan fan has given up on it with these words:  "It's the same book....over and over and over again."

I'll read it when the last book is out and it's certified to be finished.  Then again, he'll probably die before then.




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