
Aliera, Bride of Dracula

Talpianna at aol.com Talpianna at aol.com
Wed May 12 02:29:56 PDT 2004

I went to see VAN HELSING on Friday, and observed that one of Dracula's 
brides, a hot-tempered murderous redhead at that, is called Aliera (though they 
spelled it Aleera).  

The significance?  

I have inadvertently named all my cats--Lilith, Sethra, and Aliera--after 

No good can come of this......

                tal, whose computer is functioning again

P.S.  I recommend the movie as a fun and somewhat scary thriller with good 
CGI special effects.  But boy!  was it LOUD!  The sound system was too powerful 
for the theatre.

P.P.S.  Did I mention that I often awaken during the night with a cat sucking 
on my ear or neck?