On Wed, 12 May 2004, Greg Morrow wrote: @> Even if neutrinos decay via SUSY, the lifetime there is going to have to be @> lots of orders of magnitude longer than proton decay, and even if they do, @> they have to decay into SOMETHING. (I was assuming that positive @> selectrons from proton decay eventually ended up at positrons, which would @> nicely annihilate electrons and leave only photons, assuming a neutral @> universe, but it occurs to me I have no idea if they do.) Note that I originally used the word 'eventually'. So 10^1234 years is still covered. I wasn't suggesting that our planet was going to fall apart tommorrow. Just that things like "building a better future" are, ultimately, just as futile as things like "sitting around on your ass eating paste", which is why you can't look at things ultimately to begin with.