
Issola thought

Mon May 17 16:22:29 PDT 2004

K Kuhn wrote:

> Came across an interesting idea on a review of Issola  (does include
> spoiler but it is noted as such in the review and you have to highlight
> it to read it)
> http://www.physics.ucla.edu/~kor2/booklog/ 
> I think the idea is certainly technically possible, given Aliera's
> history, and it definitely triggers my 'ooh, that would be neat'
> feeling, although if true, Vlad would be an even more unreliable
> narrator than usual.

I am confused as to how you think the Issola review touches on Aliera's 
history; I'm therefore confused as to how whatever you're referring to 
would make Vlad more unreliable. I beg you for enlightenment! *grin*

Jose Marquez                       \  Cthulhu 2004
jhereg69 at earthlink.net              \  Why vote for
http://home.earthlink.net/~jhereg69  \  the lesser evil?