
From Neil Gaiman's journal

Sun May 30 13:54:50 PDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rone [mailto:rone at ennui.org]
> Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 4:45 PM
> To: SKZB List
> Subject: Re: From Neil Gaiman's journal
> David Dyer-Bennet writes:
>   "bonham15" <bonham15 at cox.net> writes:
>   > i actually came to lord of light rather late. i think last 
> year it was that
>   > i picked it up for something like fifty cents from a used 
> book store.  it
>   > has held up amazingly well for a 40 year old story, as good 
> ones will imho
>   That's an attitude that continues to catch me by surprise -- that you
>   expect new stories to be *better* than old stories.  I expect exactly
>   the reverse; we're living with the cream skimmed off a few thousand
>   years of literary history, and the best stuff from that much time is
>   mostly incomparably better than nearly anything created this year.  It
>   takes something really fantastic like _A Fire Upon the Deep_, say, to
>   even look like a *candidate* for that sort of status in the long run. 
> A story sometimes exists in the context of the time it was written,
> though, and many stories don't age very well.

True, but many do, and even if they do not it is not terribly difficult
to put ones mindset at the time in question. I love rereading anything
by E.E. Doc Smith, for example.


"Don't be ashamed to add your voice to the universal sound canvas.
You give a rather intruiging harmony."