
If I were the Demon...

erik at debill.org erik at debill.org
Fri Jun 4 09:43:58 PDT 2004

On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 11:56:51AM -0400, Ken Koester wrote:
> It's pretty clear that everyone who has squealed in the past has bought 
> it big-time, and usually pretty quickly, too.  It may not be quite as 
> important as getting the treasury stealers, but it's close, and for 
> analogous reasons:  if someone gets the idea that you can squeal to the 
> Empire & live, the possibilities for blackmail are endless & the rewards 
> potentially astronomical.  The House would never be able to do business 

In this case, might not appearance be as important as fact?  Vlad
disappears (since they're going to kill him if they ever find him).
Since everyone else who ever squealed has been sent straight to
deathgate courtesy of a Morganti dagger it'll be assumed that's why he
hasn't shown up.  I'm sure they'd love for his body to turn up in a
very messy fashion, but you just have to start rumors of last stands
in burning buildings or some such.

That or he becomes a legend like Mario.  "You want to squeal on the
Demon?  Who do you think you are, Vlad?"  After all, he's a witch, has
a Great Weapon, is friends with many of the most important people in
the Empire (at least one of whom is a legend in her own right) and
regularly receives person attention from his patron goddess.  That's
what it takes to squeal on the Organization and live.  Hell, people
might start thinking that Vlad == Mario.


Last I heard, the truth fairy was collecting unemployment.
   -- http://jimburgessdesign.com/comics/