
If I were the Demon...

Fri Jun 4 10:24:12 PDT 2004

erik at debill.org wrote:

>In this case, might not appearance be as important as fact?  Vlad
>disappears (since they're going to kill him if they ever find him).
>Since everyone else who ever squealed has been sent straight to
>deathgate courtesy of a Morganti dagger it'll be assumed that's why he
>hasn't shown up.  I'm sure they'd love for his body to turn up in a
>very messy fashion, but you just have to start rumors of last stands
>in burning buildings or some such.

They may have to do just that.  But without a body the case stays open 
for too many people, would be my take.  Others would start to wonder 
just how in touch with things the top brass are & maybe get unhealthy 
ideas about lightening their kharmic burden, to quote Zelazny.

>That or he becomes a legend like Mario.  "You want to squeal on the
>Demon?  Who do you think you are, Vlad?"  After all, he's a witch, has
>a Great Weapon, is friends with many of the most important people in
>the Empire (at least one of whom is a legend in her own right) and
>regularly receives person attention from his patron goddess.  That's
>what it takes to squeal on the Organization and live.  Hell, people
>might start thinking that Vlad == Mario.
Perhaps.  It raises the point:  how much does the Organization know 
about Vlad?  A few--but only a few--may know he is a witch.  Probably no 
one knows he's friendly with Sethra, except maybe his own former staff. 
 Certainly, no one  in House Jhereg knows he has a GW yet.

One final point:  Vlad himself puts back on his stones before entering 
Valabar's.  So he isn't taking his own GW as an invulnerable shield just 

