
Dzur Mountain

Fri Jun 11 08:05:54 PDT 2004

> On a less "animated" note, if Dzur Mt is a ship, how does 
> that tie in to 
> Iceflame being "Dzur Mt in hand"? Perhaps Dzur Mt itself is a Jenoine 
> construct that the Serioli converted for there own use? Hmm, how much 
> influence did Sethra have in the creation of the Great Weapons?

Keeping mind that I've not yet read "Lord of Castle Black" or "Sethra
Lavode" (just finished  "The Paths of the Dead" last night) - Is this all
idle speculation or is there some basis in the books for believing that Dzur
Mountain is a construct (Jenoine or otherwise) or that Sethra had a hand in
creating the Great Weapons?

Scott Schultz
scott at cjhunter.com