And a very minor spoiler it is; it has nothing whatsoever to do with the plot. On page 223 (which is to say, four pages into Chapter the Eighty-ninth) of that noble work by the esteemed Paarfi known as /Sethra Lavode/ (formerly /The Enchantress of Dzur Mountain/, which I perceive was not even used as a subtitle, which I think unfortunate), the third volume of that work whose entirety is called /The Viscount of Adrilankha/, there appears the following line: "Well, and before Lord Tigarrae, no one had ever teleported himself, either" I seemed to recall a reference to teleportation in /Five Hundred Years After/, and indeed, on page 534 (or four pages into Chapter the Thirty-fourth) of that noble work, we see: As recently as the past Athyra Reign; in fact, a mere seven hundred years before the events we have had the honor to relate, the wizard Tigarrae of Plainview published a three volume work on the subject, in which he claimed to have successfully teleported himself from one end of his test chamber to the other. To be sure, an attempt, after the publication of his work, to repeat the experiment before witnesses resulted in failure and death for Tigarrae; yet the work stands, even today when such uses are commonplace, as an excellent manual for students in the magical sciences. Anyway, I found myself wondering if Lord Tigarrae was perhaps also known as Geoffrey Fourmyle of Ceres, or perhaps even Gully Foyle of Terra... Hmm. And one more thought: I wonder if that work of Lord Tigarrae might perhaps be the precise work from which a certain novice Teckla sorcerer might have learned to teleport himself.