
Steve's Weblog

Casey Rousseau casey at the-bat.net
Tue Jun 22 08:52:57 PDT 2004

Steve Brust wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-06-21 at 08:45, Kate Nepveu wrote:
> > 
> > Pictures of the breed on the web are charming. And six years old--a
> > rescue dog? 
> Yes, exactly.  Nothing too horrid, in this case; I'm not up to
> taking on a major rescue with severe personality disorders.  But,
> yeah, animal rescue is a Good Thing.

That's good to hear.  The breed site talks about them being one-family
dogs.  Rescuing such an animal can be hard enough in cases of mild need.
Now all you need is some livestock for Harcos to herd.  Somehow, I don't
think a parrot counts. :)  Hmm, what sort of cattle would do well in the
desert?  Ostrich?  

Failing that, I'm envisioning lots of long walks exercising a very big

That's one way to work up an appetite.