

Mon Jun 28 08:28:58 PDT 2004

On Jun 28, 2004, at 11:15 AM, Jose Marquez wrote:

> Mike wrote:
>> I for one just joined the list a few days ago.  I haven't yet had the 
>> time to run through the old emails so as not to ask questions that 
>> have already been answered.  I'm re-reading the books in the series 
>> and have already been intrigued by some of the things I've seen on 
>> the list.  I've got questions but would like to see the archives 
>> before I ask them.
> Hope you've got lots of time. There's been 13,450 messages since I 
> joined; there was a discussion on religion a while back that alone 
> took up around 300 messages in three different threads.

And when a new book is released, the mailing list goes nuts. Small 
things, like whether or not CDs is proper, can generate lots of mail. 
Its a credit to Steve that his readers are so intellectual.

Right now we are in a quiet time, but the list goes in cycles.