
An amusing idea about Zerika IV

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Mon Jul 19 19:52:27 PDT 2004

#It was been mentioned in /Orca/ that Zerika had the odd habit of
#disappearing now and again, a few days at a time.  It's possible,
#of course, that nothing is going on more unusual than the Empress
#taking a bit of a breather, probably with her lover.
#However, I was thinking about Devera, and I found myself wondering
#if perhaps Devera was taking Zerika with her on jaunts through time
#to find young Phoenixes to be persuaded to be relocated into the
#future, thus rebuilding the House.

A fascinating idea! But why should that cause her to go missing? With
the usual kinds of time travel, you can go "elsewhen", spend as much
time "then" as you like, and (subjective-)then return to the moment of
your departure, leaving no gap in your presence unless someone was
actually watching you and saw the inevitable discontinuity in your
position, the folds of your clothing, etc.

-- Mark A. Mandel
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