On Tue, 20 Jul 2004, Mia McDavid wrote: #Me, I've just been deleting whole threads unread b-cause it was to hard #to wade through the crap. It's simpler than that for me. I use a UNIX command line mail reader called pine, which I access from a Windows machine through a terminal program. Some people consider this Stone Age, because I don't see HTML or other formatting. I don't get viruses, either: there's no such thing as automatically opening an attachment. Anyway, I sort my inbox by thread and go to the next unread message. The thread sort groups all the messages with the same subject by the same author. I read the first in a sequence (of such messages with similar sizes) and then mark all the rest for deletion, and read the next, different message in the thread. Every so often I delete all the marked messages. It works for me. YMMV. -- Mark A. Mandel [This text prepared with Dragon NaturallySpeaking.]