
Name similarities and pure speculation

Wed Jul 21 22:49:08 PDT 2004

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Mark A Mandel wrote:

> In point of fact, after >200,000 years no name or word or language would
> be recognizable.

Given the correction factor of perhaps x30, and the continuous control of
territory by one culture, I don't know if I agree.  For example, when
someone refers to "breaking the stick" from the 6th cycle, is she
translating?  Could someone important who lived the entire time (and was
much at court) single-handedly stabilize the language?

How much has Chinese changed over the last 3k?

Do the Dragaerans have dictionaries?  I'm trying to remember the
categories of books given in _Athyra_ and whether any would be suitable.