

Fri Jul 23 13:58:19 PDT 2004

At 01:10 PM 7/23/04, you wrote:
>"The Basques gave themselves names like, Guzman (good man), Esquivel
>(behind a rock), Chapa (oak tree), Zavala (width)."
>I can understand the name Petros/Pedro/Peter/ - "rock" - but "behind a
>rock"?  (Ok, "beneath a rock" would be worse.)  And Mr. Width strikes me
>as odd.

There are also cases where a nickname has stuck around as a surname. (I'm 
of Basque descent, but not pure.)

My last name comes from the French side and derives from a nickname given 
to two brothers fighting alongside Lafayette (still looking for personnel 
records of the time). It is an alternate spelling of a variation for Sallet 
"In mediæval armour, a light globular headpiece, either with or without a 
vizor, and without a crest, the lower part curving outwards behind." [OED 
2nd ed.] Go figure.