
Steven Brust's Agyar is out in trade paperback. August 2004

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Thu Aug 5 14:35:42 PDT 2004

Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:

After verifying which novel this was (I have a hard time with names) - off
the list, Chris replied to me:

> Yep, that's the one.  Just don't mention the
> *-word on the list.*  I accidently told someone
> about it and got chastized (appropriately, I
> must admit) for spoiling such a great "secret".

I am aware it's supposed to be a secret, from participating the SF
newsgroup.   But I don't really get that.  I don't *think* Steve was hiding
it nor expected it to be a "gotcha" revelation.

>> If so, I love his description of power and use it in various types of
>> discussions.
> Yes, and many other bits about it are great.
> Damn, now I'm going to have to go a re-read it.
> Oh, darn....
> :)
> Chris

If you tell someone to do something and he does, you have power.  (someone
have the exact quote?)

Bill Gates has more power than some Despots who can order enemies killed,
and certainly the President of the U.S., despite his similar limitations has
more power.   And so do our news media.