
If you like Robert Jordan

Tue Aug 17 08:45:16 PDT 2004

At 17:46 8/16/2004 -0400, Chris Turkel wrote:

>On Aug 16, 2004, at 5:44 PM, Gaertk at aol.com wrote:
>>The last time this came up, I mentioned that I first heard about
>>Brust from the folks at rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan .
>>Which Hobb book did you read?  Her Farseer and Liveship
>>trilogies are noticably different in tone and viewpoint.
>>Assuming you're mispelling Farland, what I've heard of him is
>>that he had some good ideas, but poor execution and lame ending.
>Oh the Anne McCaffrey effect. "When an author takes a good idea and 
>totally ruins it"

I must admit to raising eyebrows at the slamming of McCaffrey.  In 
addition, it is my
opinion that some of the most enjoyable reads have been from taking an idea and
completely running away with it.


"Don't look back -- the Lemmings are gaining."