
Dragaera subscriber list

dgf at dd-b.net dgf at dd-b.net
Tue Aug 17 15:17:03 PDT 2004

abailey (at) micromuse.com (email) Andrew Bailey <abailey (at) micromuse.com> 
abcmm (at) att.net (email) abcmm (at) att.net 
acwest-dragaera (at) craigwest.net (email) "A. Craig West" <acwest-dragaera (at) craigwest.net> 
adia (at) hellug.gr (email) =?iso-8859-7?B?wevd7uHt5PHv8iDE6eHs4e303+Tn8g==?= <adia (at) hellug.gr> 
adia (at) hellug.gr (email) Alexandros Diamantidis <adia (at) hellug.gr> 
adina (at) panix.com (email)
aejoubert (at) hotmail.com (email) "Andrew Joubert" <aejoubert (at) hotmail.com> 
agrajag (at) dragaera.net (email) Jag <agrajag (at) dragaera.net> 
agrelic (at) gmail.com (email) Sean Dilda <agrelic (at) gmail.com> 
aheyman (at) rcn.com (email) "Adam Heyman" <aheyman (at) rcn.com> 
akomins (at) midway.uchicago.edu (email) Arin Komins <akomins (at) midway.uchicago.edu> 
alexx (at) panix.com (email) "Alexander Kay" <alexx (at) panix.com> 
amadandedallas (at) yahoo.com (email) James D'Amadan <amadandedallas (at) yahoo.com> 
amitskaw (at) hotmail.com (email) "James Somebody" <amitskaw (at) hotmail.com> 
andrew.durston (at) smiths-aerospace.com (email) "Durston, Andrew (AGRE)" <andrew.durston (at) smiths-aerospace.com> 
AndrewBarton (at) compuserve.com (digest)
annoying_dude (at) yahoo.com (digest) Matt Smit <annoying_dude (at) yahoo.com> 
anreed (at) wm.edu (email) anreed (at) wm.edu 
asher1978 (at) hotmail.com (email) "asher 1978" <asher1978 (at) hotmail.com> 
asr (at) spnode43.nerdc.ufl.edu (email) asr (at) ufl.edu 
attjen (at) gwu.edu (digest) Matt Jennings <attjen (at) gwu.edu> 
azarule (at) hotmail.com (email) "David Gunderson" <azarule (at) hotmail.com> 
badgod (at) sonic.net (digest)
ballistica (at) cox.net (email) "Donna" <ballistica (at) cox.net> 
baron_greystone (at) hotmail.com (digest) "Baron Greystone" <baron_greystone (at) hotmail.com> 
Bato001 (at) aol.com (email)
bearnw (at) ix.netcom.com (digest)
bertowud (at) cox.net (email) "Robert Wood" <bertowud (at) cox.net> 
bio_phy (at) hotmail.com (email)
blackbird0 (at) yahoo.com (email) Jeffrey Kiok <blackbird0 (at) yahoo.com> 
bonham15 (at) cox.net (email) "bonham15" <bonham15 (at) cox.net> 
books (at) bofh.com (email) books (at) bofh.com 
bph7 (at) cornell.edu (email) Ben Hiles <bph7 (at) cornell.edu> 
brian.vanskyock (at) zimmer.com (email) "Brian Vanskyock" <brian.vanskyock (at) zimmer.com> 
briandmichelle (at) yahoo.com (email) Brian and Michelle Baskett <briandmichelle (at) yahoo.com>
bryann (at) bryann.net (email) "Bryan Newell" <bryann (at) bryann.net> 
calianng_graves (at) yahoo.com (email) Caliann the Elf <calianng_graves (at) yahoo.com> 
cantatrix (at) hotmail.com (email) "Becky Krause" <cantatrix (at) hotmail.com> 
carl (at) odeon.net (email) "Carl Chada" <carl (at) odeon.net> 
carla.hunt.b (at) oncogene.com (email) "Carla Hunt" <carla.hunt.b (at) oncogene.com> 
carpovita (at) earthlink.net (email) "Rion Bergquist" <carpovita (at) earthlink.net> 
casey (at) the-bat.net (email) <casey (at) the-bat.net> 
chamama (at) cheerful.com (email) "sara chamama" <chamama (at) cheerful.com> 
charles_sumner (at) harvard.edu (email) charles_sumner (at) harvard.edu 
chris.mclaren (at) ieee.org (email) "Chris McLaren" <chris.mclaren (at) ieee.org> 
Chrisf.Olson (at) sun.com (email) Chris Olson - SunPS <Chrisf.Olson (at) Sun.COM>
chrislee (at) neo.rr.com (email) "chris cunningham" <chrislee (at) neo.rr.com> 
Christoph.Safferling (at) uni-konstanz.de (email)
Christopher_M_Kane (at) brown.edu (email)
cnorehad (at) oz.net (email) "Chris Norehad" <cnorehad (at) oz.net> 
corsair (at) concentric.net (email) "Kelly Rhodes" <corsair (at) concentric.net> 
corsairx (at) iinet.net.au (email) Andrew <corsairx (at) iinet.net.au> 
corwin (at) mpls.cx (email) (Corwin Brust) 
crowkart (at) hotmail.com (email) "A Crow" <crowkart (at) hotmail.com> 
dalvenjah (at) dal.net (email) Dalvenjah FoxFire <dalvenjah (at) DAL.NET> 
dan-tain_ishanti (at) attbi.com (email) "Brad Crawford" <dan-tain_ishanti (at) attbi.com> 
dar (at) horusinc.com (email) "David Rodemaker" <dar (at) horusinc.com> 
dave-lists-dragaera (at) weller-fahy.com (email) "David J. Weller-Fahy" <dave-lists-dragaera (at) weller-fahy.com> 
dave (at) waveridersystems.com (email) "Dave Godwin" <dave (at) waveridersystems.com> 
david (at) mail.crlf.net (email) David Maxwell <david (at) crlf.net> 
davids (at) kithrup.com (email) David Silberstein <davids (at) kithrup.com> 
dd-b (at) dd-b.net (digest) (David Dyer-Bennet) 
dd-b (at) dd-b.net (email) (David Dyer-Bennet) 
den (at) monger.net (email)
dgf (at) dd-b.net (post)
dinlicious (at) gmail.com (email) dinlicious <dinlicious (at) gmail.com> 
don (at) easterlys.com (email) "Don Easterly" <don (at) easterlys.com> 
dr.elmo (at) whiterose.org (email) "Dr. Elmo" <dr.elmo (at) whiterose.org> 
dragaera-kithrup (at) kithrup.com (email)
dragaera (at) juima.org (email) Sander <dragaera (at) juima.org> 
dusty (at) sayersnet.com (email) J A Dusty Sayers <dusty (at) sayersnet.com>
d_levitz (at) msn.com (email) "Daniel Levitz" <D_Levitz (at) msn.com> 
ed (at) edmail.info (email) Ed Lee <ed (at) edmail.info> 
ehahn (at) isochronism.com (email) Edward Hahn <ehahn (at) isochronism.com> 
ejpeterson (at) attbi.com (email)
erik (at) debill.org (email) erik (at) debill.org 
eshivak (at) netzero.net (email) "Eric Shivak" <eshivak (at) netzero.net> 
everbard (at) ix.netcom.com (email) "Michael M Jones" <everbard (at) ix.netcom.com> 
faakinridiculous (at) hotmail.com (email) "rogue squadron" <faakinridiculous (at) hotmail.com> 
feaelin (at) kemenel.org (email) "Davis, Iain E." <feaelin (at) kemenel.org> 
feetalsjeez (at) yahoo.com (email) Tim Owen <feetalsjeez (at) yahoo.com> 
fides (at) kludgeco.com (email) Faith Lawrence <fides (at) kludgeco.com> 
fitzrose (at) msn.com (email) "Rosemary Fitzsimons" <fitzrose (at) msn.com> 
flgrendel (at) yahoo.com (email) John Almasi <flgrendel (at) yahoo.com> 
foodgod (at) pobox.com (email) Teddywolf <foodgod (at) pobox.com> 
foolserrand1 (at) hotmail.com (email)
frank (at) exit.com (email) Frank Mayhar <frank (at) exit.com> 
FRIEDA2133 (at) aol.com (email)
furryjawa (at) yahoo.com (email) David Lish <furryjawa (at) yahoo.com> 
gaertk (at) aol.com (email) Gaertk (at) aol.com 
gaku169 (at) hotmail.com (digest) "Denis Berthelsen" <gaku169 (at) hotmail.com> 
gbrandt (at) tampabayfcu.org (email) Grady Brandt <gbrandt (at) tampabayfcu.org> 
gcanyon (at) inspiredlogic.com (email) Geoff Canyon <gcanyon (at) inspiredlogic.com> 
genji_77 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Mike Smith" <genji_77 (at) hotmail.com> 
GibelMaria (at) aol.com (email) GibelMaria (at) aol.com 
gilligan487 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Erik Deup" <gilligan487 (at) hotmail.com> 
ginni.berger (at) juno.com (email) ginnilee p berger <ginni.berger (at) juno.com> 
gisho (at) puddleofgoo.com (email) "gisho" <gisho (at) puddleofgoo.com> 
glas (at) larp.com (email) Glas <glas (at) larp.com> 
Glenn.Gardner (at) kla-tencor.com (email)
gm_drmallio (at) hotmail.com (email) "Douglass Mallio" <gm_drmallio (at) hotmail.com> 
gnipp (at) hotmail.com (email) "Matthew Slowiak" <gnipp (at) hotmail.com> 
god_of_gnomes (at) hotmail.com (email) "K Horzmann" <god_of_gnomes (at) hotmail.com> 
gomi (at) pollywog.com (post)
gomi (at) speakeasy.net (email) Gomi no Sensei <gomi (at) speakeasy.net> 
go_and (at) fuq.it (email)
graitech (at) cogeco.ca (email) graitech (at) cogeco.ca 
greatcthulhu1 (at) yahoo.com (email) Oscar Rios <greatcthulhu1 (at) yahoo.com> 
greyw01f (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jon Carey" <greyw01f (at) hotmail.com> 
grzm (at) grzm.pp.se (digest) Gunnar Blomberg <grzm (at) grzm.pp.se> 
haerandir (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jesse Thomas" <haerandir (at) hotmail.com> 
hans117 (at) yahoo.com (email) Hans Schweitzer <hans117 (at) yahoo.com> 
harpere (at) gmail.com (email) Elizabeth Harper <harpere (at) gmail.com> 
hats5 (at) cisbec.net (email) "The Lehman's" <hats5 (at) cisbec.net> 
Hereward (at) rogers.com (email) "Gary Russell" <Hereward (at) rogers.com> 
hhertzof (at) panix.com (email) Hilary Hertzoff <hhertzof (at) panix.com> 
holden (at) oddjob.uchicago.edu (digest) Bradford Holden <holden (at) oddjob.uchicago.edu> 
hologram (at) algonet.se (email) Nicklas Andersson <hologram (at) algonet.se> 
holyconelia (at) hotmail.com (email) "william wheeler" <holyconelia (at) hotmail.com> 
howard.brazee (at) cusys.edu (post)
howard (at) brazee.net (email) "Howard Brazee" <howard (at) brazee.net> 
hyrum (at) otherworlds.cx (email) "R. Hyrum Savage" <hyrum (at) otherworlds.cx> 
iambluehearmeroar (at) yahoo.com (email) Blue <iambluehearmeroar (at) yahoo.com> 
iceman32708 (at) yahoo.com (email) MARTIN FRIEDMAN <iceman32708 (at) yahoo.com> 
ifurita (at) el-hazard.net (email) Ravi Duvvuri <ifurita (at) el-hazard.net> 
igalbraith (at) ozonline.com.au (email) igalbraith (at) ozonline.com.au (Ian Galbraith) 
ijamie (at) sympatico.ca (email) "Ian sympatico" <ijamie (at) sympatico.ca> 
ike (at) manor.org (email) Ike Porter <ike (at) manor.org> 
ikep (at) umbc.edu (email) Ike Porter <ikep (at) umbc.edu> 
incitor (at) whack.org (email) incitor <incitor (at) whack.org> 
j.clendening (at) verizon.net (email) "Verizon" <j.clendening (at) verizon.net> 
J.Millen-99 (at) student.lboro.ac.uk (email) "Jim Millen" <J.Millen-99 (at) student.lboro.ac.uk> 
jackland (at) mail.ru (email) JC <jackland (at) mail.ru> 
jajohns (at) temporalspace.com (email) "Jamie A. Johns" <jajohns (at) temporalspace.com> 
jalaubacker (at) mindspring.com (email) "Jim Laubacker" <jalaubacker (at) mindspring.com> 
jalipaz (at) stanford.edu (email) Julie Alipaz <jalipaz (at) stanford.edu> 
jamesandmary.burbidge (at) sympatico.ca (email) James and Mary Burbidge <jamesandmary.burbidge (at) sympatico.ca>
jbdelong (at) uclink.berkeley.edu (email) Brad DeLong <delong (at) econ.Berkeley.EDU> 
jdbone (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jimmie Bone" <jdbone (at) hotmail.com> 
jeanninenorris (at) yahoo.com (email) Jeannine Norris <jeanninenorris (at) yahoo.com> 
jedijane (at) ev1.net (email) "M. Goepp" <jedijane (at) ev1.net> 
jennalyn (at) intercom.net (email) Jennalyn <jennalyn (at) intercom.net> 
jerry_friedman (at) yahoo.com (email) Jerry Friedman <jerry_friedman (at) yahoo.com> 
jetdragon (at) comcast.net (email) Jessica <jetdragon (at) comcast.net> 
jhereg69 (at) earthlink.net (email) Jose Marquez<jhereg69 (at) earthlink.net> 
jimkatz (at) ix.netcom.com (email) Jim Katz <jimkatz (at) ix.netcom.com> 
jjnichol (at) mit.edu (email) Joy Jennifer Nicholson <jjnichol (at) MIT.EDU> 
jlblists (at) eljen.net (email) "Jennifer Barber" <jlblists (at) eljen.net> 
jmalkoff (at) verizon.net (email) "Jason Malkoff" <jmalkoff (at) verizon.net> 
jocelyncassidy (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jocelyn Cassidy" <jocelyncassidy (at) hotmail.com> 
joecrow (at) access4less.net (email) Joe Crow <joecrow (at) access4less.net> 
joelynch (at) sbcglobal.net (digest)
John.Tennyson (at) mckesson.com (email)
Joseph.Bono (at) yale.edu (email)
jot (at) chud.net (post)
jsimons (at) genelco.com (email) "Jim Simons" <jsimons (at) genelco.com> 
jtoth (at) megrez.org (email) Jim Toth <jtoth (at) megrez.org> 
jtrager (at) keyway.net (email) "Trager" <jtrager (at) keyway.net> 
juliette_torres (at) yahoo.com (digest) Juliette Torres <juliette_torres (at) yahoo.com> 
kate.nepveu (at) gmail.com (email) Kate Nepveu <kate.nepveu (at) gmail.com> 
kate (at) mail.browser.net (email) Kate Jones <kate (at) mail.browser.net> 
kcr (at) midsouth.rr.com (email) "Kevin Raybould" <kcr (at) midsouth.rr.com> 
khaavren (at) hotmail.com (email) "Khaavren Castlerock" <khaavren (at) hotmail.com> 
kknolte (at) ecity.net (email) K Kuhn <kknolte (at) ecity.net> 
kkoester (at) email.ers.usda.gov (email) Ken Koester <kkoester (at) email.ers.usda.gov> 
kmcd (at) uclink.berkeley.edu (email) Kelley McDonald <kmcd (at) uclink.berkeley.edu> 
KnightOfInsanos (at) aol.com (email)
knots4kcs (at) yahoo.com (email) Kenneth Stone <knots4kcs (at) yahoo.com> 
kpadgett1 (at) cox.net (email) "Ken Padgett" <kpadgett1 (at) cox.net> 
KReaves789 (at) aol.com (email) KReaves789 (at) aol.com 
kublakhan73 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jeremy Tassoff" <kublakhan73 (at) hotmail.com> 
kunimon (at) ya.com (email) "=?iso-8859-1?B?UmFt824gUGXxYQ==?=" <kunimon (at) ya.com> 
kyonne (at) shaw.ca (digest) Joy Mainer <kyonne (at) shaw.ca> 
kyonne (at) shaw.ca (digest) kyonne <kyonne (at) shaw.ca> 
kyonne (at) shaw.ca (email) Joy Mainer <kyonne (at) shaw.ca> 
kyonne (at) shaw.ca (email) kyonne <kyonne (at) shaw.ca> 
lady_gh0stw0lf (at) yahoo.com (digest)
lady_mage16 (at) yahoo.com (email)
lairdb (at) email.com (email) "L. Broadfield" <lairdb (at) email.com> 
Lathia (at) nwlink.com (email) "Lathia" <Lathia (at) nwlink.com> 
laurao (at) ix.netcom.com (digest) "Laura Osgood" <laurao (at) ix.netcom.com> 
lazarus33pjf (at) cox.net (email) lazarus <lazarus33pjf (at) cox.net> 
linden (at) uchicago.edu (email) AnnaLinden Weller <linden (at) uchicago.edu> 
lister (at) insaneninjahero.com (email) Derrill 'Kisc' Guilbert <lister (at) insaneninjahero.com> 
ljenab (at) sunflower.com (email) "Lawrence Jenab" <ljenab (at) sunflower.com> 
lmbrassard (at) yahoo.com (email) Laurie Brassard <lmbrassard (at) yahoo.com> 
log0n5150 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jeff Gibbons" <Log0n5150 (at) hotmail.com> 
loki (at) twwol.dyndns.org (digest) Loki <loki (at) twwol.dyndns.org> 
lqmiller (at) ev1.net (email) Louann Miller <lqmiller (at) ev1.net> 
lydy (at) demesne.com (email) Lydia Nickerson <lydy (at) demesne.com> 
Lys (at) charter.net (email) "Lys Swift" <Lys (at) charter.net> 
MaidensPowrSlave (at) aol.com (email) MaidensPowrSlave (at) aol.com 
mak (at) akamai.com (email) Marty Kagan <mak (at) akamai.com> 
malte.schuru (at) gmx.net (email) Malte Schulz-Ruhtenberg <malte.schuru (at) gmx.net> 
mam (at) theworld.com (email) Mark A Mandel <mam (at) theworld.com> 
mamandel (at) unagi.cis.upenn.edu (post)
mark_englehart (at) cox.net (email)
marni (at) cfl.rr.com (digest) "marni on Roadrunner" <marni (at) cfl.rr.com> 
marty (at) kaganite.com (email) Marty Kagan <marty (at) kaganite.com> 
matthew (at) infodancer.org (email) Matthew Hunter <matthew (at) infodancer.org> 
mattonim (at) engineering.ucsb.edu (email) Michael Mattoni <mattonim (at) engineering.ucsb.edu> 
mauriziopaoluzi (at) inwind.it (email) Maurizio Paoluzi <mauriziopaoluzi (at) inwind.it> 
melalvai (at) kemenel.org (email) "Rachel L. Ruhlen" <melalvai (at) kemenel.org> 
melalvai (at) kemenel.org (email) Melalvai <melalvai (at) kemenel.org> 
mendo666 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Ian Edwards" <mendo666 (at) hotmail.com> 
mflanigan (at) carolina.rr.com (email) Mike Flanigan <Thomarus (at) carolina.rr.com> 
mia_mcdavid (at) comcast.net (email)
michaelangelo (at) tripp-russo.com (email)
michi (at) mercury.co.il (email) Michi Kossowsky <michi (at) mercury.co.il> 
mike.melton (at) cox.net (email) "Mike Melton" <mike.melton (at) cox.net> 
mike (at) plokta.com (email)
Mirsathia (at) comcast.net (email)
misao (at) shaw.ca (email) Misao <misao (at) shaw.ca> 
Mistykalia (at) aol.com (digest) Mistykalia (at) aol.com 
mixtli (at) ix.netcom.com (email) "Ian Warner" <mixtli (at) ix.netcom.com> 
mkbister (at) charter.net (email) "Mary Bister" <mkbister (at) charter.net> 
mklahn (at) mac.com (email) Matthew Klahn <mklahn (at) mac.com> 
mneme (at) hagbard.io.com (post)
mneme (at) io.com (email) Joshua Kronengold <mneme (at) io.com> 
moghan_david (at) yahoo.com (email) Robert Opramolla <moghan_david (at) yahoo.com> 
moodygrrl (at) earthlink.net (email) "Lori Reeder" <moodygrrl (at) earthlink.net> 
moonblossom (at) dodgenet.com (email) "Dale Rippke" <moonblossom (at) dodgenet.com> 
moonhunt_ (at) hotmail.com (email) "Guess Who" <moonhunt_ (at) hotmail.com> 
mr1 (at) rcosta.com (email) "Michele Riccio" <mr1 (at) rcosta.com> 
mrichard (at) efn.org (email) Richard <mrichard (at) efn.org> 
ms_kate (at) io.com (email)
mtiller (at) ntlworld.com (email) "Mark Tiller" <mtiller (at) ntlworld.com> 
mvillar2424 (at) earthlink.net (email) "Marcos Villaroman" <mvillar2424 (at) earthlink.net> 
mwwings (at) owt.com (email) Geoff Paulson <mwwings (at) owt.com> 
nadilday (at) yahoo.com (email) Nathan Dilday <nadilday (at) yahoo.com> 
naraku (at) comcast.net (email)
NarnRebel (at) aol.com (digest)
nathan (at) player.org (email) "Nathan P. Bardsley" <nathan (at) player.org> 
noam.izenberg (at) jhuapl.edu (email) "Izenberg, Noam" <Noam.Izenberg (at) jhuapl.edu> 
noan4 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Jeff Drake" <noan4 (at) hotmail.com> 
nope (at) galon.org.il (email) Nope <nope (at) galon.org.il> 
nstacy (at) cinci.rr.com (email) "Noah Stacy" <nstacy (at) cinci.rr.com> 
nthuleen (at) students.wisc.edu (email) Nancy Thuleen <nthuleen (at) students.wisc.edu> 
ojen_ishii (at) yahoo.com (email) jennifer rowley <ojen_ishii (at) yahoo.com> 
omaha (at) mpls.cx (email) Felix Strates <omaha (at) mpls.cx> 
Orchidkngt (at) aol.com (digest) Orchidkngt (at) aol.com 
otaking (at) cwru.edu (email) James Vogel <otaking (at) cwru.edu> 
paul (at) finalchallenge.net (email) "Paul Hancock" <paul (at) finalchallenge.net> 
pereillo (at) optonline.net (email)
peter (at) maranci.net (email) "Peter Maranci" <peter (at) maranci.net> 
pgranzeau (at) cox.net (email) "Peter H. Granzeau" <pgranzeau (at) cox.net> 
philiph (at) slac.stanford.edu (email) Philip Hart <philiph (at) SLAC.Stanford.EDU> 
phoenix (at) ugcs.caltech.edu (email) Damien Sullivan <phoenix (at) ugcs.caltech.edu> 
Phoenixrave (at) sc.rr.com (digest) "Robert Pierce" <Phoenixrave (at) sc.rr.com> 
phoenixwolf27 (at) yahoo.com (email) "Michael Wolf \(XBOX\)" <mwolf (at) microsoft.com> 
pistole (at) alumni.utexas.net (email) "Richard H. Pistole" <pistole (at) alumni.utexas.net> 
pkeck (at) storm.he.net (email) pkeck <pkeck (at) paulkeck.com> 
platedlizard (at) earthlink.net (email) "Gloria Carr" <platedlizard (at) earthlink.net> 
polstein (at) wsvn.com (email) "Olstein, Phillip" <polstein (at) wsvn.com> 
poptest (at) ghytred.com (email) "Simon Smith" <poptest (at) ghytred.com> 
porthos (at) calweb.com (email) John Hutton <porthos (at) calweb.com> 
PQuigleyII (at) aol.com (email) PQuigleyII (at) aol.com 
Profesor_Bacterio (at) ono.com (email) "FAC" <Profesor_Bacterio (at) ono.com> 
qag1964 (at) excite.com (email) "Quentin" <qag1964 (at) excite.com> 
Raellew (at) aol.com (email)
rakehell (at) usa.net (email) G Wilhelm <rakehell (at) usa.net> 
ray (at) madrabbit.org (email) ray (at) madrabbit.org (Ray Lee) 
rcarson (at) rcarson.com (digest) "Reid Carson" <rcarson (at) rcarson.com> 
rct9911 (at) comcast.net (email) "Rebecca" <rct9911 (at) comcast.net> 
reader (at) estebandito.info (email) Stephan Leicht <reader (at) estebandito.info> 
redmeerkat (at) earthlink.net (email) Sean Hayden <redmeerkat (at) earthlink.net> 
ReVibe68 (at) aol.com (email)
rfzabick (at) punkgrok.org (digest) Roman Zabicki <rfzabick (at) punkgrok.org> 
RHRahl1 (at) aol.com (email) RHRahl1 (at) aol.com 
rickc (at) silcom.com (email) "Richard Cunningham" <rickc (at) silcom.com> 
righel (at) email.msn.com (post)
righel (at) msn.com (email) "Rosemary Ighel" <righel (at) msn.com> 
rislyn23 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Rislyn Feruch" <rislyn23 (at) hotmail.com> 
rmckenzi (at) dti.net (digest) Brookes McKenzie <rmckenzi (at) dti.net> 
rone (at) ennui.org (email) rone (at) ennui.org (figmentality) 
ross1 (at) rochester.rr.com (email) Ross Stuckless Jr <ross1 (at) rochester.rr.com> 
rst_98 (at) hotmail.com (email) "RST ------" <rst_98 (at) hotmail.com> 
ryan (at) wonko.com (email) Ryan Grove <ryan (at) wonko.com> 
s.schwenk (at) wtal.de (email) "Sebastian Schwenk" <s.schwenk (at) wtal.de> 
s1burns (at) ucsd.edu (email) "Shawn" <s1burns (at) ucsd.edu> 
saint_erythros (at) lameassbitch.com (email) "M J" <saint_erythros (at) lameassbitch.com> 
Sams0n (at) aol.com (email)
Scott.Burrington (at) getronics.com (email)
scott (at) cjhunter.com (email) "Scott Schultz" <scott (at) cjhunter.com> 
scottfweintraub (at) gmail.com (digest)
scs (at) ans.net (post)
scs (at) di.org (email)
scs (at) lokkur.dexter.mi.us (post)
scs (at) uu.net (post)
seanstarratt1 (at) msn.com (email) "Sean Starratt" <seanstarratt1 (at) msn.com> 
seitherin (at) houston.rr.com (email) "Seitherin" <seitherin (at) houston.rr.com> 
severian (at) webone.com.au (email) Jonathan Pelling <severian (at) webone.com.au> 
shad (at) muegge.org (email) "Shad Muegge" <shad (at) muegge.org> 
shafedog205555-brustfan (at) yahoo.com (email) S SHafer <shafedog205555-brustfan (at) yahoo.com> 
shannon3d (at) yahoo.com (email) Shannon Wimberly <shannon3d (at) yahoo.com> 
simbelmyne (at) softhome.net (email) Emily Frawley <simbelmyne (at) softhome.net> 
singram (at) videotron.ca (email) "Katherine Britt" <kbritt (at) videotron.ca> 
sirchuck (at) macomb.com (email) John Mietus <sirchuck (at) macomb.com> 
sjwerbin (at) epix.net (digest)
skychild70 (at) hotmail.com (email) "paul w" <skychild70 (at) hotmail.com> 
skzb (at) dreamcafe.com (email) (Steven Brust) 
slhalter (at) slhalter.com (email) Steven Halter <slhalter (at) slhalter.com> 
slothman (at) amurgsval.org (email) Max Rible <slothman (at) amurgsval.org> 
smed51 (at) yahoo.com (digest) Smed <smed51 (at) yahoo.com> 
smoosmang (at) t-online.de (email) smoosmang (at) t-online.de (Sven Moosmang) 
Spamme13 (at) aol.com (digest) Spamme13 (at) aol.com 
spiderman92 (at) comcast.net (email)
sraun (at) fireopal.org (email) Scott Raun <sraun (at) fireopal.org> 
Starshadw (at) aol.com (email)
stepheninhouston (at) ireland.com (digest) "stephen garvey" <stepheninhouston (at) ireland.com> 
steve.burnap (at) gmail.com (email) Steve Burnap <steve.burnap (at) gmail.com> 
stikjok (at) hotmail.com (email) "Dave Cooper" <stikjok (at) hotmail.com> 
stlatos (at) yahoo.com (email) Sean Whalen <stlatos (at) yahoo.com> 
tackygoldring (at) netscape.net (email) tacky <tackygoldring (at) netscape.net> 
taltos07 (at) earthlink.net (email) "Curtis Humes" <taltos07 (at) earthlink.net> 
tatters (at) newsguy.com (email) Derek Tattersall <tatters (at) newsguy.com> 
terrick (at) cox.net (email) "ryan" <terrick (at) cox.net> 
teza (at) rupture.net (email) Teza <teza (at) rupture.net> 
tfoster118 (at) comcast.net (email) Travis Foster <tfoster118 (at) comcast.net> 
THA2112 (at) aol.com (email) THA2112 (at) aol.com 
theancient (at) mindspring.com (email) "Tom Miller" <theancient (at) mindspring.com> 
thefr0g (at) hotmail.com (email) "The Fr0g" <thefr0g (at) hotmail.com> 
thepsychosmurf (at) hotmail.com (email) "Chris Sullins" <thepsychosmurf (at) hotmail.com> 
thesteve19 (at) hotmail.com (email) "Steve R." <thesteve19 (at) hotmail.com> 
tiassa (at) xmission.com (email) Megan Schreiber <tiassa (at) xmission.com> 
TimN (at) rcn.com (email)
timothypaxtonowen (at) hotmail.com (email) "Timothy Owen" <timothypaxtonowen (at) hotmail.com> 
tky1 (at) rcn.com (email) tky1 (at) rcn.com (Thomas Yan) 
tlinkenback (at) cox.net (digest) "Tom Linkenback" <tlinkenback (at) cox.net> 
tmer (at) eudoramail.com (email) "Barbara Baj" <tmer (at) eudoramail.com> 
toubib21 (at) yahoo.com (email) Toubib <toubib21 (at) yahoo.com> 
trevor (at) fiatal.net (email) Trevor Fiatal <trevor (at) seven.com> 
trevorsensei (at) yahoo.com (email) trevor laughlin <trevorsensei (at) yahoo.com> 
tsarren (at) alyra.org (email) Kat <tsarren (at) alyra.org> 
tyday (at) phantomemail.com (email) <tyday (at) phantomemail.com> 
T_Johnson (at) speakeasy.net (email)
umbraenoctis (at) hotmail.com (email) "James Griffin" <umbraenoctis (at) hotmail.com> 
unhatched (at) hotmail.com (email) "Denis Richard" <unhatched (at) hotmail.com> 
usagigoya (at) hotmail.com (email) "Steve Hubbell" <usagigoya (at) hotmail.com> 
vaklam (at) comcast.net (email) Brian Cooksey <vaklam (at) comcast.net> 
valerie (at) drizzle.com (email) <valerie (at) drizzle.com> 
veate (at) yahoo.com (digest) "Ms. Helle" <veate (at) yahoo.com> 
vidroth (at) hotmail.com (digest) "Chris Bisanar" <vidroth (at) hotmail.com> 
vtaltos (at) earthlink.net (email) "Malcolm" <vtaltos (at) earthlink.net> 
walshm (at) ipfw.edu (email) "Matthew Walsh" <walshm (at) ipfw.edu> 
wamydia23 (at) yahoo.com (email) wamydia <wamydia23 (at) yahoo.com> 
warbi (at) warbi.net (email) "warbi" <warbi (at) warbi.net> 
warlord (at) dragon.com (email) "Warlord" <warlord (at) dragon.com> 
warlord (at) dragon.com (email) Alan <alan (at) dragon.com> 
wayne.wagenaar (at) rogers.com (email) Wayne Wagenaar <wayne.wagenaar (at) rogers.com> 
willm (at) emailme.com.au (email) "Will Marshall" <will (at) emailme.com.au> 
wmo+dragaera (at) rebma.pro-ns.net (email) "Bill O'Hanlon" <wmo (at) rebma.pro-ns.net> 
xmasberry (at) mail.com (email) "holly christmas" <xmasberry (at) mail.com> 
yaga (at) berkano.pair.com (email) yaga (at) berkano.pair.com 
yaga (at) yaga-ysgs.com (email) Pb Sanderson <yaga (at) yaga-ysgs.com> 
yhcrana13 (at) hotmail.com (email) "A. Nonymous" <yhcrana13 (at) hotmail.com> 
yukio_toko (at) yahoo.com (email) yukiotoko imp-thing <yukio_toko (at) yahoo.com> 
zaphod (at) charter.net (email) "Greg Schwartz" <zaphod (at) charter.net> 
zardoz (at) weirdness.com (email) Robert Sallade <zardoz (at) weirdness.com> 
zarkon (at) illrepute.org (email) John Klein <zarkon (at) illrepute.org> 
zizban (at) adelphia.net (email) Chris Turkel <zizban (at) adelphia.net>