
Joining a house, or changing houses

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Wed Sep 1 12:53:31 PDT 2004

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004 11:43:56 -0700, Scott Schultz <scott at cjhunter.com>  

> Not really. The way I see it, this just means that his lands and titles
> belong to the Empire instead of to any particular House. Vlad's original
> baronetcy(?) came from House Jhereg directly, awarded by the Council (or
> whichever department is responsible for selling titles). There are
> heirachies in the Houses and there are separate heirarchies in the  
> Empire.

When the Emperess promisses Morollan a bunch of land - doesn't that land  
now become Dragon land?   Do its vassals now become Dragonian?   Is there  
"federal land" that is only owned by the empire?

>> From the sound of things, Vlad's county has been running things just  
>> fine without a Count for quite a while.

What have you heard?

>> His liege probably doesn't care who the
> title belongs to as long as he gets his proper taxes and duties paid to  
> him.
> We don't know who his "liege lord" is simply because it hasn't been  
> germane
> to any of the stories (yet). If Vlad ever visits Noish-pa, we'll probably
> learn some of those details.

It appears that the serfs and the nobels have very separate lives.   They  
don't seem to be aware of what each other are doing, whether they live or  
die, or anything - as long as the tribute stays constant.

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