The list is sent out to DDB; here is what I sent him (three times, no less; I hope he doesn't hate me by now). ---------------- I'd love to hear Steve record Morrolan's and Aliera's full names, as this would resolve the whole e'Drien/e'Kieron "How is that supposed to flow?" question. Note that I left book references from the original intact pronunciation guide intact, even though in a lot of cases, TLoCB is not the first reference to the character/word. I added book references for any word that didn't already have one, and I tried to make sure that in those cases, it was the first appearance that was referenced. Also, I'm using the original Ace paperbacks for Jhereg through Orca, as I don't have any of the compendiums; I'm not certain, but I think this might affect spelling in some cases (I heard corrections/changes were made in the compendia). On to the list: WORDS NOT ALREADY IN PRONUNCIATION GUIDE Dri'Chazik a Tukknaro Dzur from TLoCB Hwdf'rjaanci from Orca Tagichatn from Yendi Kathana e'Marish'Chala from TPG Cly!ng Fr'ngtha from Issola G'hair of Clyferns from TPG Jggo!f'tha from TPG S'Yang Stones from Yendi Sivali-Yangorra from TPG Shereba from Yendi, Teckla (shareba in Yendi, shereba in Teckla) Undauntra from Yendi Quaysh from Teckla Ishtvan from Yendi Rolaan from Yendi Loraan from Taltos G'aereth from TPG Gyorg Lavode from TPG Gant-Aerethia from TPG Jenicor e'Terics from TPG THE EXISTING PRONUNCIATION GUIDE, prioritized to some degree (meaning that it is still somewhat alphabetized, as I grouped together names in order and moved them up or down the list as I saw fit). I gave priority to important characters and difficult names, and the gods, seeming to fit both categories, are rather high on the list. Aerich Temma from TLoCB Agyar Barlen from TLoCB Devera from Yendi e'Baritt, Karla from TLoCB e'Drien from Jhereg e'Lanya, Betraan from TLoCB e'Lanya, Magra from TLoCB e'Mondaar, Fentor from TLoCB e'Terics, Ryunac from TLoCB Hirtrinkneff from TLoCB Jenoine from Jhereg Kéurana from TLoCB Kanefthali from TLoCB Kelchor from TLoCB Khaavren from TLoCB Moranthë from TLoCB morganti from Jhereg Morrolan from BoJPG Noish-pa from Yendi Ordwynac from TLoCB Paarfi from TPG Sethra Lavode from TLoCB Tazendra from TLoCB Teldra from TLoCB Tri'nagore from TLoCB Tsalmoth from BoJPG Norska from various Grita from TLoCB Orlaan from TLoCB Piro from TLoCB Röaana from TLoCB Kytraan from TLoCB Daro from TLoCB Arra from TLoCB Fawnd from TLoCB Clari from TLoCB Mica from TLoCB Röaanac from TLoCB Berigner from TLoCB Brawre from TLoCB Elde (Island) from Teckla Esteban from TLoCB Fe Dalcalda, Corthina from TLoCB? Fineol from TLoCB Gardimma from TLoCB Habil from TLoCB Haro from TLoCB Iatha from TLoCB Ibronka from TLoCB Izak from TLoCB Jami from TLoCB Lewchin from TLoCB Malypon from TLoCB Marel from TLoCB Miska from TLoCB Mora from TLoCB Nacine from TLoCB Necromancer (The) from TLoCB Nyssa from TLoCB Nywak from TLoCB Oidwa from TLoCB Ritsak from TLoCB Ritt from TLoCB Saakrew from TLoCB Sennya from TLoCB Shant from TLoCB Taasra from TLoCB Tevna from TLoCB Tiawall (Prince) from TLoCB Tresh from TLoCB Trout from TLoCB Tsanaali from TLoCB Tsani from TLoCB Tukko from TLoCB Udaar from TLoCB Wadre from TLoCB Zivra from POTD ---------------- Jose -- Jose Marquez \ Cthulhu 2004 jhereg69 at \ Why vote for \ the lesser evil?