
Ying xiong, aka Hero

Wed Sep 22 17:27:00 PDT 2004

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Bradford Holden wrote:

> > From: Philip Hart <philiph at slac.stanford.edu>
> >
> > That should be "Barry Hughart's wonderful /Bridge of Birds/".
> Yes.  Run, do not walk, to your nearest used bookstore or
> library to find this book and read it.  Unfortunately, I can
> make no statement on the sequels.

The trilogy is available in an omnibus edition, but I think most readers
will be fine with just _BoB_.  The sequels are also very well written from
a prose point of view, the main characters' interactions are still sharp
and amusing, and Hughart continues to wear his (apparently great)
erudition lightly.  However, the fever-pitch creativity of _BoB_ is
lacking, and the surprise, and the secondary characters are much less

A contrast with another favorite book, _The Elfin Ship_ by James Blaylock:
the two sequels are also reworkings of the primary material but the whole
remains fresh.  Perhaps the difference has something to do the contrariety
between surprise and comfort: _BoB_ shows us a world we didn't know while
_TES_ shows us the world we know made more sensuous (not sensual!).