
Idle Speculation - The Tekla Republic

Tue Sep 28 14:41:33 PDT 2004

> Presumably, the Athyra heir takes over.
> You didn't think that only one Emperor could rule per reign, 
> did you? What would happen if an emperor was killed before 
> the minimum term?

Considering that the few examples of rulership that we have all seem to
consist of the lifetime of a single emporer/empress, that's exactly what
I've been thinking. 

Remember, we're talking mystical processes at work here. The Throne hasn't
been shown to be hereditary in any sense that we would normally think of the
word. In fact, it's not very clear at all how the Heir of any particular
House is chosen. 

In any case, with very rare exceptions the Orb protects the life of the
Emperor/Empress. It's no great stretch to imagine that it also protects the
health of its owner as well. If the Orb allows its holder to die, then
that's a sign that the Cycle has turned. By example from the Paarfiad,
Tortaalik had been in office far short of what you're calling the "minimum
term". I don't have the book to reference but I'm fairly certain his reign
was a pretty short one by Dragaeran standards. Despite this, the Orb moved
to Adron once it had determined that the Emporer was dead beyond all recall.
It didn't seek out the next Phoenix in line. It sought out the heir of the
next House in line.

Basically, I see a lot of evidence that the Cycle changes when the sitting
Emporer dies or abdicates, while I've seen no evidence that the Throne is
passed from one Emporer to another within the same phase of the Cycle.