
A Vlad reference in an unexpected place.

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 1 09:57:08 PDT 2004

Casey wrote:
> I nearly think that after 20-plus years, anyone who hasn't run across
> Steve's books hasn't been looking.  
> Well, perhaps that's an exaggeration.  Still, I would be more surprised to
> find a reader of Fantasy who's never heard of him than one who had.

I've found a few in the younger crowd, whereupon I
toss Brust books their way and insist they be read
and returned.  The latter, sadly, doesn't seem to happen
as often, but it gives me the chance to buy more Brust

Chris (Who has corrupted quite a few people with
a manic Brust-obsession, and is rather proud of it.:)