
A Vlad reference in an unexpected place.

Howard Brazee howard at brazee.net
Sun Oct 3 08:49:55 PDT 2004

bonham15 wrote:
>>> Howard Brazee wrote
>>> Y Y wrote:
>>>> I think there's something about us teens that makes us fixed on
>>>> reading things in chronological order. I lent the earlier books to
>>>> a friend of mine, and she had a "hissy cow" because they weren't in
>>>> order.
>>> What's the best order to watch the Star Wars movies?  (Heck, to
>>> watch _Pulp Fiction_)?
>> The best order to watch Star Wars? Star Wars, The Empire Strikes
>> Back and Return of the Jedi. Those three are all you need. ;)
> these movies are the only ones you are looking for, the other three
> are not the movies you seek /waves hand in jedilike fashion....
> andy
> recaging my inner geek.....

Even more than the other three - the doppelgangers of the first three.