
Warriors, peasants, and mortality

den at monger.net den at monger.net
Tue Oct 5 07:02:10 PDT 2004

> On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Charmian wrote:
> @> > Steve has copied their willingness to fight (and die), but he has
> made
> @> > them sexual beings who can control their reproduction.
> @>
> @> Wait, didn't Tolkien's elves sexually reproduce?
> Not only did they reproduce sexually, their immortality was due to
> continuous reincarnation. They were not physically immortal, just very
> long-lived. (Whether that's an intentional reference by Brust or just a
> coincidence... dunno.)

IIRC, that's not quite correct.  Elvish immortality wasn't due
specifically to reincarnation.  They could reincarnate and return if they
were killed--Glorfindel from THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING is an example of
this--but  if they didn't die by violence, they didn't die.  Elves were
not subject to natural aging or disease.
