Casey wrote: > Shawn wrote: >> Vlad is secretly Mario. :} > > Not happening. Mario couldn't pass for a sixteen to twenty something > Easterner with whiskers. > This is more speculation-space than spoiler-space: It was somewhat facetious, but in thinking about it a little more, why not Vlad? Not that he, right now, is Mario. But perhaps Mario's soul is D*livar's soul. If it is true (and I don't remember where I get this is from, making it speculation) that Kieron is Devera's father then Aliera has already demonstrated an attraction for her soul-brother. If Mario really died in the Disaster, then maybe he was reborn as Vlad and everyone (Morollan, Sethra, Aliera) knows it except for him. It might explain why Aliera likes him so much. Shawn