

Wed Oct 6 07:55:59 PDT 2004

J C wrote:
> Mario is Mario.  Steve's said he's no one else.  He's also said he's 
> someone we know.  We know who Mario is.  He's Mario.

I completely agree with you (and have previous posts to prove it). So 
does Steve. But there is an inevitability to the Mario discussion making 
its appearance on the list. It's very cyclical. Kinda like the spoiler 
space discussion. Or the reply-to munging discussion. Or the listserv 
vs. Yahoo group vs. some other alternative discussion. And wait until 
the religion thread gets kick-started again; though that one isn't one 
of the cyclical threads, it certainly was epic...

Help! We're stuck in a David Eddings-plotted mailing list, doomed to 
repeat history (and posts) until some cataclysmic event (a new book 
being published) can end the Cycle. Uh, I mean cycle.


Jose, who probably should get sleep, as his posts appear to be getting 
decidedly silly. And now he's referring to himself in the third person.
Jose Marquez            \  Cthulhu 2004
jhereg69 at hackwater.com   \  Why vote for
http://www.hackwater.com  \  the lesser evil?