
A good idea and a not so good idea

Thu Oct 7 15:59:25 PDT 2004

> From: John Mietus [mailto:sirchuck at macomb.com] 
> I wasn't trying to imply anything -- I just wanted to make sure you'd 
> read Orca without giving away any spoilers to those few people on the 
> list who hadn't yet.

Ah, yes. I'd mentioned that in the opening paragraph as something to
basically ignore. Kiera stands on her own, so any stories about her or told
>from her point of view would ignore _Orca_ or at most make oblique
references to it. In fact, I'd imagine a series of Kiera stories to be set
in the time period between _Viscount_ and _Taltos_ such that Vlad would
either not exist (being unborn at the time) or he'd be a youngster getting
his first taste of the "business" side of the House with Kiera as occasional