
A good idea and a not so good idea

Fri Oct 8 07:32:31 PDT 2004

Philip Hart wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Oct 2004, David Silberstein wrote:
>>Hmm.  What would we call the series?  The Kieraiad?
> "Vladiad" was based on "Iliad" (by way of "Aeneid"), and "Paarfiad" by
> extension.  "Pirodyssey" seems not have caught on - but ideally the
> various sections of the Texts ought to have names corresponding to epic
> poems.  If there  are any epic poems (or perhaps novels) about female
> protagonists, that would be the place to look.

I occasionally use Pirodyssey in my head; I haven't, until now, had any 
reason to use it in print.

Jose Marquez            \  Cthulhu 2004
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