
what, me spamming?

Timothy Nelson TimN at rcn.com
Fri Oct 8 09:38:19 PDT 2004

I would *adore* seeing a Vlad novel in which he is contracted to murder a
"professional" spammer.

- T

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Silberstein" <davids at Kithrup.COM>
To: "Dragaera List" <dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: what, me spamming?

> On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, Mark A Mandel wrote:
> >How peculiar. Why would my quote of one verse of Maya Bohnhoff's
> >"Bimbo on the Cover of the Book" be considered spam?
> >
> I strongly suspect that the antispam engine can be tuned to filter
> on the mere presence of certain keywords.  Certainly, my
> procmailrc does, although I do whitelist testing before bad keyword
> testing.
> So I think there mere presence of the words "blond", "sexy", and
> "bimbo" set off all of its alarms.  While I am sure that you would
> never use those words to market what might be called certain
> services, or images of certain persons, or images of certain
> persons performing certain services, spammers are far less
> scrupulous.
> If this e-mail that I send now gets bounced in the exact same
> manner, I nearly think that we shall have discovered that those
> keywords are indeed the problem.
> If that is the case, you might want to make a note to use some of
> the same tricks that spammers use in these situations, that is, to
> mangle the words so that they no longer match what the spam filter
> searches for; eg: "bl*nd", "sehxii", and "b1mb*".
> Alas that such measures are called for.  Truly, the spammers are
> purest evil.