

Tue Oct 12 08:23:32 PDT 2004

On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 08:32:33 -0500, Brian Cooksey <vaklam at comcast.net> wrote:
> I did it last year and I got a very-much-in-need-of-rewriting novel
> out of it.  I've already signed up for this year's madness.  I'm
> "Vaklam" on the NaNo forums.

I'm "Phy".  
> Your idea sounds really cool, by the way.
> Brian

Thanks.  This was what I wrote back in September as I prepared for
writing contest at Deep Magic (a sci-fi / fantasy e-zine that is "a
safe place for minds to wander"):

"National enmities have been always produced and encouraged by kingly
and priestly policy. The wolf is the natural enemy of the lamb; the
vulture of the dove. By instinct they are so…" Piggot's Political

I needed to develop some key ideas for the October challenge, but
found myself writing background stuff to work out the details.

The Caducean Order which is comprised of two competing houses, the
Hand of the Dove (Knights Templar) and the Hand of the Vulture
(Assassin Priests). They have the same relationship as the FBI and CIA
– they both work for the government, but one is visible and one is

Both hate each other.

This story is the story of an assassin. He will be a central figure in
the companion story, as will Sir Rodrik, his nemesis, a real bad-a$$

I'm very aware that this will be a very editable, very pulpy, very
derivative effort - it's 30 days fer cry-yi.  I'm also very aware of
my influences.  In this case, I should apologize in advance to Steve
and PC Hodgell (God Stalk) (with a dash of Arthur Landis, who won't
mind as much, being dead already and all).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to completing the 50,000 word goal,
breaking through the dreaded second act barrier, writing through some
truly awful scenes.  As much as I admire Steve's writing, it is his
*thinking* that I most admire.  I'm hoping to introduce some nifty
thoughts.  If I can keep things moving along and pull it all together
in the space and time allotted, I will be content.  The threshold for
"success" is very low for a project of this scope, which seems a fine
place to start.

I am at the place where I alternately crave and dread the starting date.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
	                   johne cook
       	                wisconsin, usa
johne.cook at gmail.com / jcook at apostate.com
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .