
Steve makes a webcomic?

Derrill 'Kisc' Guilbert lister at insaneninjahero.com
Sun Oct 17 02:28:53 PDT 2004

The subject of this email is a filthy lie, an effort at misdirection. 
This is an off topic plug for a webcomic that I enjoy greatly.

Now, there is a very strong reason why I chose to do an off topic plug, 
at this particular time. Read on, dear neighbor. Everything that you 
need to know to understand is contained in this email.

Schlocktoberfest Warning!
Open Letter, Sunday, October 17, 2004
As Book III was drawing to a close I mentioned that Book IV was going to 
be darker than usual. The story I want to tell is a really, really good 
one (at least that's what the Voices In My Head keep telling me), but 
the only way to tell it properly is darkly.

We're going to begin some of the worst of that darkness, oh, NOW.

I'm not going to say much in the Open Letter or on the forums about the 
plot. This will be better if you are allowed to experience it as it 
unfolds. Of course, when I say that I mean that it will be better for 
me, because I get hours of joy reading the speculation, consternation, 
and outright indignation at the atrocities I commit in this comic.

Some of you are going to get angry with me. I can live with that. I'd be 
doing this wrong if everyone was happy.

Please hang in there. I've wanted to tell this story for about three 
years now, and I think I finally have the chops to pull it off.


I wonder that this isn't something many authors glean sadistic enjoyment 
