Jot Powers wrote on Mon, 25 Oct 2004 17:12:19 -0700 >On page 83 of my paperback copy of Teckla, Vlad says he's >seen Spellbreaker dangling in mid-air once, when he got >it, from under Dzur Mountain. >This is clearly a case where Steven changed the story >for Taltos, when he gets Spellbreaker from Loraan's keep, >dangling in mid-air. Hi, I still cannot find my paperback copy of Teckla, but this is the text from The Book of Jhereg, Teckla page 380 last page of Chapter 6. Vlad thinking: "The trick of hanging in midair it had been doing when I had first found it, but that had been under Dzur Mountain, where strange things are normal. Or was it in the Paths of the Dead? I couldn't remember any more." Jot, is this text different in the Teckla paperback? Bye. Linda G.