

Thu Oct 28 15:37:54 PDT 2004

--- John Klein <zarkon at illrepute.org> wrote:

> On Tue, 26 Oct 2004, Steve Brust wrote:
> @> Yes and no.  There is a sort-of head-bobbing thing parrots do, but it
> @> isn't laughter.  It's more like the dry heaves--that is, threatening
> @> regurgitation.  It means, "I love you."  If the parrot actually
> throws
> @> up on you, that means, "I really, *really* love you."

That makes sense--a gift of food.  Sort of the way that in a desert
culture, spitting might be a sign of respect.  (Any connection, or
did you just have _Dune_ in mind in that scene in _Dragon_?)

> Hmm. Interesting. What does it mean when they crap on you?

They've mistaken you for a source of news.

Jerry Friedman

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