

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Fri Oct 29 11:21:59 PDT 2004

Philip Hart wrote:
> Damn, found me out.  Just for the record, I'm also responsible
> for the quirks in German writing ("rad fahren"?  following weird
> non-German spelling conventions for foreign words like "spaghetti"?)
> up until the recent silly reorganization.  I also should be blamed
> for the past subjunctive in French, and the hard non-latin words in
> Spanish, and the initial "s" as a negative in Italian.  (And sort of
> the lack of punctuation in Latin.)
> Mark is responsible for the problems in the other living languages.
> I blame you for the problems in extinct languages.  And "inconsistancies".

Esperanto isn't extinct yet, I swear it!

Though yeah, I'll admit I added a few "inconsistancies"
to the languages used in Susa, on the Tigris River, and
Sumer.  How was I to know my contributions would lead
to their extinction?

Chris (Avoiding work again:)