
Dragaeran dreams

Joy Jennifer Nicholson jjnichol at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 8 09:02:41 PST 2004

Did you actually dream that you were reading a book?  I've never
found someone else who did that.

> I dreamed a few weeks ago that I was reading a Vlad novel,
> in which he interacted with Queen Zerika in a very amusing
> manner.
> Last night, I had an even better and longer dream, where I
> was reading /The Final Contract/.  It was *very* cool, and
> very well thought out, where the genuine motives for the
> Jenoine wishing to re-take control of Dragaera were made
> clear, and the transtemporal multistate nature of the Gods
> was explained a little better, and things tied in very
> neatly with what Vlad was, and has been slowly developing
> into.  And there were more details about what Sethra Lavode
> does, and that ties in to some stuff she kinda glossed over
> in the big infodump in /Issola/.
> All in all, it was a very neat dream, and I just hope that
> when Steve actually writes /The Final Contract/, it will be
> at least that cool for real.
> PS:  Speaking of cool stuff: You must all see /The Incredibles/.
> It really is that good.