
Dragaeran dreams, also Hungarian gray

Wed Nov 10 13:13:14 PST 2004

Jerry Friedman wrote:

>--- David Silberstein <davids at Kithrup.COM> wrote:
>>On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Joy Jennifer Nicholson wrote:
>>>Did you actually dream that you were reading a book?
>>Sure.  Well, it wasn't as clear that it was a book for this most
>>recent dream, but in the previous one, I know it was because I put
>>the book down and went to do something else.
>I've read in dreams too.  I can seldom remember the stories, though.
>>And in the cool dream about Dragaera I had before, where an Issola
>>interviews a Dragon and teleports out at the end of the chapter, I
>>looked up from the book to savor how great the sequence was.
>I've never gone that far.
>By the way, have people done "Szürke" yet?  I just learned that
>it's Hungarian for "gray" (and "grey").  Also drab, commonplace,
And one of the colours of House Jhereg (and, as far as I know, the only 
colour that's unique to them--I don't know of any other house that uses 
grey, although Dzur and Dragon (and perhaps others that I have forgotten 
or that have not been mentioned) use black).

J A Dusty Sayers

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