On Mon, 8 Nov 2004 12:14:49 -0500, Brian Keegan <briankeegan at masonline.net> wrote: > I play city of heroes as well I play on the virtue server as a scrapper > > > -----Original Message----- > From: Scott Schultz [mailto:scott at cjhunter.com] > Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 12:06 PM > To: 'Dragaera List' > Subject: RE: Dragaeran dreams > > > PS: Speaking of cool stuff: You must all see /The > > Incredibles/. It really is that good. > > Second that. Especially you folks who have mentioned being City of Heroes > players. I hate for this to sound like spam... I've been on this mailing list in the past, but I really didn't have reason to comment much on it and I unsubscribed because I had not yet finished reading all the Dragaeran novels and I wished not to get spoiled, such as I did with the whole thing about Teldra and GodSlayer. Anyway, I recently rejoined the mailing list as I have finished all the Dragaeran novels and now I won't mind reading because there is nothing left to get spoiled... I've heard nothing but good things about The Incredibles, something in the matter of "Its Pixar's greatest movie ever!" I will probably see it sometime next week if I find time for it between EverQuest2 and work. I myself used to play City of Heroes, a fire blaster named Tyranthraxis (props if you can tell me where the name is from). But I quit after 2 months because I found the game rather boring, without much of a story and generally just too repetitive. But I am an active MMO player and I enjoy the community aspect of gaming, knowing that the people I am playing with are real people and interacting with them... That's why I formed my own guild in EverQuest2, based on SKZB of course. The guild is called "The Lavodes", and I made sure to ask Steven's permission before I created the guild. Of course I would like to invite anyone on these forums who play EQ2 (or plan on playing EQ2) to join the guild; we are on the GUK server. - Jason Axelrod (http://www.bakagaijin.com/)