
Dzur Mnt.

Peter H. Granzeau pgranzeau at cox.net
Fri Nov 12 10:51:51 PST 2004

At 12:35 11/12/2004 -0500, MedCat7 at aol.com wrote:
>Hi, My name is Crystal. I am new to the mailing list so if I say or ask 
>something already said or asked, I appologize.
>I have only ever seen one theory as to why Sethra can't leave Dzur 
>Mountain as Sethra, but can as Kiera. I have a theory (and it goes along 
>w/ why she looks tired when Vlad sees her later): She can't leave Dzur 
>Mountain at that time because the Jenoine might mught detect her (or what 
>ever it is they do) as Sethra. Loiosh didn't recognize Kiera as Sethra, so 
>maybe the Jenoine couldn't either. Anyway, that's just what I think. You 
>can put it on your sites and in your own words cause I am horrible at 
>making sense (just give me a little credit, ok).

I don't think that Sethra is confined to Dzur Mountain, it's just that she 
chooses not to leave.  She was in charge of the defense of Adrilankha in 
_Sethra Lavode_, was she not?  And hasn't she been seen at Castle Black?

Regards, Pete
pgranzeau at cox.net