
Dzur Mnt.

FRIEDA2133 at aol.com FRIEDA2133 at aol.com
Fri Nov 12 22:49:44 PST 2004

>  Spoiler for Orca and all other Vlad books involved.  
>  Please remember there are always new readers.
* added to make it harder for Dragaera search to find this.  Even
though it is a little too late for this thread.

MedCat7.aol.com wrote on Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 12:35:45 -0500 

>Hi, My name is Crystal. I am new to the mailing list so if I say
>or ask something already said or asked, I apologize. I have only 
>ever seen one theory as to why S*thra can't leave Dzur Mountain as 
>S*thra, but can as K*era. I have a theory (and it goes along w/ 
>why she looks tired when Vlad sees her later): She can't leave 
>Dzur Mountain at that time because the Jenoine might detect 
>her (or what ever it is they do) as S*thra. Loiosh didn't recognize 
>K*era as S*thra, so maybe the Jenoine couldn't either. Anyway, 
>that's just what I think. You can put it on your sites and in 
>your own words cause I am horrible at making sense (just
give me a little credit, ok).

Welcome Crystal,

Ah ha, the mystery in Taltos(Chapter 2)of why K*era has a drink 
with Vlad, but then S*thra says "It is impossible for
me to leave Dzur Mountain at the moment."  Taltos (Chapter 3)

From: Howard Brazee on Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 11:40:54 -0700 

>I don't think that an ordinary disguise would even be noticed by the  
>Jenoine.   But it might be possible for her to take off some powers 
>(leave them behind - with IceFlame), and be disguised from them.

For some reason, I always thought there was some shape-shifting 

on Crystal's idea 
>that the Jenoine might detect her (or what ever it is they do) 
>as S*thra. Loiosh didn't recognize K*era as S*thra, so maybe 
>the Jenoine couldn't either.
Jot Powers wrote on Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 21:57:27 -0700

>Ok, I have a few problems with this idea.

>1) The Jenoine are weird creatures where physical locality 
>doesn't mean much to them, so whether S*thra is at Dzur Mountain
>or not, it probably doesn't occur to them.
>2) Loiosh _does_ recognize that there is something familiar about
>S*ethra, so the disguise isn't perfect.  (In retrospect we know why :)
>3) Buddy (a dog) recognizes that K*era isn't what she seems with
>no issues.
Jot Powers wrote on Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2004 22:00:18 -0700 

>I forgot #4, it is somewhat covered in the FAQ  :)


1)  Hmmm, the only two people who the Jenoine have kidnapped
had Great Weapons.  Maybe the Jenoine can track Great Weapons. 
There is some sort of connection between Dzur Mountain and
Iceflame and the Jenoine might be able to detect that they 
do not occupy the same place at the same time.  As Crystal 
said "Jenoine might detect her (or what ever it is they do)
as S*thra."  The drink with Vlad occurs entirely inside a 
building.  Hmmm, K*era could have teleported inside the 
building and teleported back to Dzur Mountain without 
every going outside.  Eyes in the sky or overcast???
Vampire! Overcast! Is it daylight outside?  Iceflame
might be pretty useful to a vampire.

2.  Taltos Chapter 7 "Have we ever run into her before?" I
still want to believe this has more to do with Vlad and 
Loiosh's memory being messed with in Taltos and that this
is a hint of a prior meeting with S*thra.  Taltos end of
Chapter 5 "Sorry, Sethra, not this time."  

3)  Buddy has a very good nose and can smell the undead
better than Loiosh can.

4).  17 minutes!  The Jenoine are very slow to react.

All together it might just work.

Crystal's idea:  Jenoine do not recognize K*era.
Howard's idea :  Leave Iceflame at home.  
              :  Be back in 17 minutes.


Linda G.