
Bows and arrows

Mark A. Mandel thnidu at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 20 19:54:35 PST 2004

--- Seth Terashima <sethterashima at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm pretty sure the weapons in _Dragon_ were bows and arrows. However,
> iirc when Khaavren and co. trick their pursuers into believing they're
> being ambushed by an army, someone mentions a archers.
> Perhaps bows and arrows existed then, but were made largely obselete
> by sorcerory's increased power when the orb returned, and hence Vlad's
> apparent ignorance.

We've had this discussion on the list before; it keeps coming up. I think Steve
has said something about the Dragaerans' having developed their society in
jungle, where the limited visibility makes bows impractical (but Amazonian
Indians use them!). 

I don't think we've ever come to a satisfactory answer.

-- mark by hand

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