
what would you be?

MedCat7 at aol.com MedCat7 at aol.com
Wed Nov 24 18:49:27 PST 2004

I often wondered (I know this is going to sound  dorky) what it would be like 
if someone where to hold a kind of Brust fan  convetion (like a Starwars or 
anime convention) where everyone dressed up like a  particular house. The 
people holding it could (definatly with the help of Steven  Brust) decorate the 
place to look like Castle Black. To help me entertain this  thought a little 
more, which house would you concider yourself or would like to  be in and why? Or 
if you can't chose (or would rather be an Easterner or  something else) what 
house you really don't like.
     I would be in the House Tiassa. I love the animal,  the colors arn't 
bad, and my looks and personality would fit (I can't rememer  where I found the 
discription of the personalities and typical appearance of  each house).
     Thank you for you input. I just think it would be  fun. And, Mr. Brust, 
which house is your favorite?