
Winner, NaNoWriMo 2004

Thu Dec 2 16:51:54 PST 2004

--- Johne Cook <johne.cook at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's true - Steve was a huge inspiration while I was preparing for
> this; Steve, and my unshaken belief that the creative process is a
> gift from the Christian God whom I believe in and attempt to serve,
> with fear, trembling, and a keen sense of hypocrisy.  I'm also a
> hardcore PC FPS gamer, so one wonders how devout I could be, and far
> be it from me to defend myself on that score.

Did Jesus say anything against gaming?  It might be frivolous, but
let him who is without recreation cast the first stone.

> There's an energy and ambition in the writing of _Jhereg_, for
> example, that overcomes a multitude of sins and set the stage for
> great works later on.  You can see Steve mature and develop with each
> new book, and if he did it, I told myself that it is theoretically
> possible for myself to walk that path as well.

Well said.

Jerry Friedman

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